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Windshields and gas mileage!

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 2:10 pm
by gigglefeet
I just wanted to ask those who have installed a windshield if they have noticed a drop or an increase in their mileage.

Am very curious to know as I'm currently on the lookout for one.

kind regards,


Re: Windshields and gas mileage!

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:24 pm
by TommyXP
I have two slightly modified Honda windshields (cut 2" off top) and am of the opinion that any decrease in fuel consumption is negligible and even if it were to knock-down the mpg/kpg by 20; I'd still relish using it for the comfort it constantly provides.

My fuel consumption on 2 SH's ranges between 82->100 MPG depending on the temperature and the gusto with which I dervishly manipulate the throttle!

It's only a luxury IF you know the difference and I recommend the 'factory' Honda windshield bar-none......

Re: Windshields and gas mileage!

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 1:12 am
by luxroller
Fuel mileage wont change a lot.
The stock Honda-windshield is very comfortable and it makes you feel like driving without wind :D , unfortunately it is far far too high and everyone who uses the SH seriously ends up cutting a peice off because it gets dirty decreasinfg the visibility and when raining you dont see nothing anymore.... In my case it was over 10 cm and its Ok now.

Re: Windshields and gas mileage!

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 3:52 am
by southerncannuck
I'm pretty meticulous about measuring my gas mileage. I've averaged 93 MPG for the last 17,000 miles. The windshield had virtually zero impact on MPGs. Air temperature affects MPGs more than the windshield. I've had the GIVI windshield and the Honda unit. I much prefer the Honda shield. I've found no need to cut it down. I figure I'm either going to look through goggles, glasses or a windshield. Regardless I'm looking through something.

Good luck with your bike.

Re: Windshields and gas mileage!

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 11:59 am
by gigglefeet
A Honda windshield it is, thanks for your opinions. Love this forum almost as much as I love my SH

Re: Windshields and gas mileage!

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 2:29 am
by luxroller
I figure I'm either going to look through goggles, glasses or a windshield. Regardless I'm looking through something.
Of course :D but you cant wipe your windshield while youre driving :roll: i'am wiping the helmetvisor all the time when its raining otherwise there is no visibility :roll: Try driving your car and not using the wipers when its raining: how does that feel ?
The stock windshield is fine but if your less than 2M tall its simply dangerous when raining imho :geek:

I wish a lot of sunny km to you all,

Re: Windshields and gas mileage!

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:49 pm
by gigglefeet
Well there is another trick to get rid of the rain without cutting the top edge of the windshield.

Use RainX and it will fly off without problems, I put that on my helmet as well, works wonders :)

Re: Windshields and gas mileage!

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 12:48 am
by luxroller
I have tried that too and it works but has to be repeated every ride. i use my moped every day of the year and really have no time to wash and prepare the windshield every evening.


Re: Windshields and gas mileage!

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 5:35 am
by TommyXP
The best recommendation IMHO is to be able to see the road ~30ft. ahead, over the top of the windscreen. Looking through anything can only degrade the optics one has been Blessed with. The aerodynamics of the screen still affords eye protection to a large degree and eye protection should always be worn anyhow because of all the buffeting from varying vectors.

On a number of occasions when the temp and humidity is just so, I would go through a dip in the road (colder air) and exit the other side with the entire screen totally obscured with a dense cover (total white-out) of micro-droplets that are reluctant to go away. It would be a shame and a minor panic if I couldn't have seen over the top.

Trimming the plastic is a 5 minute job and of little concern IF the proper tools are used and certain effortless precautions are taken and can be done without removal.

Always do what one prefers anyhow.....

P.S. Long ago, my experience with Rain-X was that it worked in rain but, I noticed an increased 'glare' at night of other lights when it was dry out, to such a degree that I felt it wasn't 'worth' it.......