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Hello from the UK

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 4:55 am
by Labman
Hi All.

Just a quick intro from me. I've been riding my Blue 2007 SH300 for the past 8 years. Got her in 2010 with barely 4000miles on the clock and 1 previous owner. Now nearly 40,000 miles and many smiles.
I've lost count the number of belts, rollers, and tyres I've gone through.

I ride purely for the work commute, around 25miles round trip every day, in ALL weathers. Sun, rain, snow (yes snow, that was fun). I actually quite like riding in winter, you get some nods from other bikers that usually ignore you during the warmer months. I guess its a nod of respect for being so stupid to be riding in -15 wind chill and pouring rain. In the summer I'm just ignored, but they soon take notice when I'm still following at 80mph down the motorway. :lol:

She is in current need of some serious (read expensive) TLC. The exhaust is literally hanging on by a thread, so a new one will be fitted soon (not Hondas mega bucks item, but a stainless aftermarket of some type). There is also a coolant leak around the top of the rad, so all riding has had to stop suddenly while that is fixed. Hence finding this Forum, I though someone might ha had a similar issues.

I love riding my SH, it is probably the best bike/scooter I have ever had. She does everything I need and never lets me down, well not that much. And the luggage space is enormous. It's like the TARDIS, doesn't matter how much stuff you have I can always find somewhere to stash it for the ride home. Although the 3m lengths of electrical conduit pipe were possibly a little ambitious. I managed a few miles before lobbing them over a friends garden wall to collect at a later date in the car, lol.

Thats all for now

Re: Hello from the UK

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 4:35 am
by TommyXP
Welcome to the Forum Phil.
T'was a pleasure reading your intro and experience; as it is a rare opportunity to again feel the warmth of fellowship induced by catching glimmers of ones own saga reflected in another rare soul and hardy-rider.

Having only ~40,000 miles between 2 SH's, I bow to you high-milers and am in constant awe of what 1 lil' dinky piston can provide for the Life and convenience of a fortunate, intrepid, handsome few.

I too ride year-round as long as the snow is cleared from the roads and am at the point where I give it no more thought whether it is freezing outside or a balmy summers day; merely dress smart and your world is a piece of cake served upon a silver platter; as your wheels gyroscopically balance the rhythm you care to impress upon the swiftly passing road whilst buffeted by the atmosphere that constantly nudges you and proclaims no doubt that you are ALIVE.

I've also transported lengths of pipe, pry-bars, rakes and shovels and can sympathize with your effort. Though it is much easier for I, since I added this to both my queens:

Wishing that I could be of more assistance, I salute and wish you well........Thomas

Re: Hello from the UK

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 6:48 am
by SH125Paul
Hi from the UK...
Currently commuting... And waiting for spring...
Last week was a constant 'arse' of waterproofs...

The SHcooter site is a great source of info...
Also check out the 'maxi muppets' forum here in the UK... A few SH300 owners on there who may also be able to asist...