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My dream scoot is a Honda

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 7:56 pm
by breaknwind
This picture is on my desktop. They probably won't bring it to the U.S. If they do, I'm there :mrgreen:

Re: My dream scoot is a Honda

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 3:44 pm
by TommyXP
A few thoughts provoked by your posted image:
Dual-caliper front braking; nice.....What is going on at the handle-grips as far as the levers appear to have disappeared or is it just the angle and a new beefier-style?

The 'old-fashioned' spokes on the rims: after now becoming accustomed to the 'new' style has me wondering: "to what advantage"? Looking back at it now, that method of keeping the tire centered upon the axle in all 3 dimensions(2?) seems almost miraculous! Mankind transitioned from a solid to a spoked and now tending back towards a solid!? Which way we going here? Backwards, like the common societal morality???

The smaller tire on the rear harshes my aesthetic 'eye' and I wonder the purpose upon which this is based; shortening of height, more RPM at wheel??? I would be willing to bet, that if I offered any 2 year-old boy and eventual biker a working replica 'toy' of one with the smaller wheel and one with 2 the same size, he would choose the one with the same size and deem the other defective...Profound thinking based upon what a 2 year-old might think!? I'm probably full of that and little realize it.....

I could have used that skid-plate on the SH....When I first got Her and had but few increasingly 'cocky' miles under my belt BUT not enough to get over the inborn reflex and feel for a 'clutch' (I soon learned); wandering down a gravel road I noticed a narrow foot-path off to the right, that gradually led down to the brink of a swollen swiftly-flowing river. I slowly descended to a steep bank with the river about 2' below. Beautiful spot to Be. Looking ahead I could see the path eventually turn left almost straight up the now steep ~ 25' hill. I didn't feel like muscling the bike around to go back the way I came and didn't think twice about 'doing' the lil' hill.

There was 1' dia. ½-buried tree root running across the very top and I didn't realize that my unquestioned, reflex 'thinking'-plan included a phantom 'clutch' (major oversight!). I utilized what flat-land existed to pick up just enough speed (WOT) to reach the top and at some point after the mid-point, the plan was to pull in the clutch and then apply whatever throttle was needed at the tree root to do an artful wheelie over the top, to the overwhelming applause of all the non-existent; my only audience.

When I got to the point where I was supposed to pull in the clutch, it dawned on me only after my right hand pulled the throttle back, which was like putting on the brakes. The bottom of the bike, right where that new skid-plate is, hit that tree-root square, immediately halting ALL forward progress and casting 'us' over to the high slick tall grass with the bike atop my leg (protecting the plastic!) and with the bike below me and sliding towards the river. It took every last ounce of my energy to flail about with my one free arm (the other had a 'death-grip' on the bike) and leg to halt the speedy slide into the river, all the Time imagining how impossible it was going to be for me, without the assistance of salvage company, to get the bike out. Luckily it flattened out for about 3' at the very bottom where I finally halted progress with the wheels poised for a dive over the edge.

I laid on my back staring up at the clouds for the longest Time catching my breath and trying to imagine how this so recent idyllic setting could so swiftly turn its back on me, a mere sinner....
I sheepishly took the long, gently-sloping way out, with the full knowledge that my 'scrambling' days were over.....
Thumbs up on the skid-plate!

Re: My dream scoot is a Honda

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 5:20 pm
by breaknwind
This is the X-ADV. A cross between the Africa Twin, BV350 and the NC700XDC. Being an on/off road scooter, it has grip guards and a skid plate. I don't like spoke wheels but I still want one. I wouldn't use it off road but it be a better slab bike than my BV's. Twist-n-go is the only way to fly 8-)

Re: My dream scoot is a Honda

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 7:09 am
by Mikey
Yes, a dual sport scooter. On my Suzuki V Strom the front tire is larger then the rear. The spokes are for the wheel to flex a bit instead of the cast rims. It reminds me of the BMW high performance scooters they have now.

Re: My dream scoot is a Honda

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 2:48 pm
by NADman
238 kg (524 lbs) and a 6 speed tranny doesn't really sound like a scooter to me.
Prolly be fun though.

Ride safe.