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Canada Day

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 3:20 pm
by NADman
We celebrate our 150th birthday tomorrow!
Although St. John's-NFL was founded in 1583
Quebec City 1608
Montreal 1642
Toronto 1793 etc.
My home Winnipeg 1873

Raise one for us. Eh?

Re: Canada Day

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 3:26 pm
by TommyXP
Most assuredly and I hope tomorrow hurries.....

Re: Canada Day

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 7:55 am
by TommyXP
Happy Birthday Oh Canada! It was no easy task uniting all those far-flung Providences into a functioning whole.
Salute; especially to the all important Rail-Road......

Through-out my 'yute' and Life, Canada has always been available to me via a 10-minute ferry ride or the Blue Water Bridge slightly to my North or the Windsor Tunnel and Ambassador Bridge slightly to my South.
Up until about 25-30 years ago, exit and entry was permitted with barely a-nod-of-the-head (if that) and I cannot recall a single negative-experience in my many ventures there.

But, since the inauguration of Gestapo-like-tactics along the border (more-so on this side than the other) that the 'herd' has come to except; I have had to curtail my visits there, as I refuse to subject my Spirit to 'their' humiliations and shameless psychological brutalities (I also refuse to 'fly').

A few-many summers ago I skirted their defenses by shamelessly passing myself off as a 'Captain' on a small private yacht, under the premise that I knew how to steer an outboard motor and figured "How hard can it be?" (boy, did I learn FAST to control my quivering knees as I stood white-knuckled at the helm) and spent a couple months in The North Channel partying with the 'Canucks' in many of the little ports that litter the shoreline (ALL on somebody else's 'dime'!) ....Killarney, Little Current, Gore Bay (Manitoulin Island), Georgian Bay and especially the enchanting Benjamin Islands....

Not a single negative experience was encountered; but it also helped that our small group of vessels wasn't only populated by your average protypical American Yankee, but a majority of good ol'-down-home Southern boys who have yet to except defeat or the B.S. premises upon which 'our' Civil War was based.
Partied hard day and night and on most occasions the Canadians took it to a whole other level and showed us a trick-or-two as to how to have FUN, while showing us every care and kindness's normally found only amoungst family/clan members.....

And the Canadian Women! A pleasure to spend time in the company of those who still retained a spark of their true feminine nature and unabashedly can wrap you around their little finger and get you to want to act like a gentleman; even though uncouth SH-riding clod you be by undeveloped Nature.....May I have this Dance?

Over the many years I've also had the opportunity to work closely with many a Canadian who would daily commute across the border. They always, through no fault or effort of their own, 'stood-out' in the crowd (IMHO). Really. They always 'seemed' more polite, better kempt, punctilious, Spiritually-grounded and a daily pleasure to work and pass-Time with. I don't wish to sound like I'm 'ragging' on the majority of my fellow Americans; BUT the Truth be told; it is so......

For more decades than I care to enumerate, I scour my memory and can't produce a single negative episode; though, they being Human, I am certain they are capable of producing the kind of behaviour that I have come to daily abhor from 'some' of my fellow denizens of this once great Nation founded upon ever-waning Christian principles, that pains me to say, has lost Her spiritual-Way in-lieu of $$$$$$ and the cruelest type of mental manipulation via the 'schools' and ever domineering media.

Though the leadership in Canada is making it harder and harder to discern a difference from our own; as both being under-the-thumb of the same banking interests that have ruled (hijacked) Anglo society since the mid 1700's (i.e. Rothschilds); I still retain high-hopes for us all and on this wonderful Planet & occasion, and sincerely wish my fellow Canadians another 150 fruitful years to come; and may She and We continue to regain our Independence from those controlling demonic 'interests' that would have us to forget what is really important to attain in this Life and ever worth fighting and dying for → Love Thy Neighbor; and according to Scripture, your 'neighbor' is any and everybody that isn't you!

Cheers NADman, and I am wondering and hoping that your abode in the Sky affords you a unique view of any and all fireworks that I can only imagine to be so.

Re: Canada Day

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 2:32 pm
by NADman
Thanks for the good words Tommy.
My home in the sky faces south-BUT I have (?access-ssh?) to the roof and my partner and I will have a 360 view of 2 major and several dozens of smaller firework shows tonight.
No handrails, safety nets, parachutes (or permission) 170 ft. up. Plus the weather is great.

Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful long weekend.

Re: Canada Day

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 7:17 am
by TommyXP
Sooooo, how was it for you? What was it 'like'; as I can hardly imagine anything similar....I was imagining the scenario; the height, the darkness, the unlimited horizons, the summer breeze, the unpredictable concussive's, the brilliant saturated sparkles of colour, the utter immensity of the Universe that seemingly surrounds this pin-point of consciousness and the most important factor would have been: sharing that precise moment in Time with another living Being.....C'mon, spill-your-guts hombre....One doesn't over-stimulate every bodily sense to such a degree and walk-away without jarring the Spirit to a higher unfamiliar plane!

A couple hours before Sun-down I rode down to the river (St. Clair) where I have an unimpeded view to the East, of miles of sparsely spatially habitated Canadian shoreline a ½ mile away across the stunningly beautiful steadily flowing (7mph current) life-giving waters, and raised my coffee mug in Salute to you and your Country with Hope's of realizing our best selfless intentions come Future.

More importantly I spilt some liquid upon the Earth and toasted all of those that went before us and still urge us on in Faith of realizing our best common ultimate Good/God intentions and never impossible heavenly Dream of Peace amoungst Mankind and good-will towards each and every other.....

Re: Canada Day

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 3:39 pm
by NADman
A little late for reply but while taking Pics facing upward, I fell backwards on a rock and broke 2 ribs under my left shoulder bone. .08+. My bad. Hard to breath never mind all the other things a person has to do to stay alive.
Back soon-I hope.

Re: Canada Day

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 6:36 am
by TommyXP
The demons are out to get us and try our very souls!.....
You would not believe how totally I can commiserate with you and our common plight....
On Sunday evening, the 2nd of July, returning from the River, the earth jumped up and smashed into me and the bike! Bizarre...a seemingly minor sequence of unusual occurrences led to a an inexplicable crash.....

Went down HARD on my left side further screwing up my already painful left knee, bruising my hip, ribs and head; and topping it off by breaking my collar-bone in at least 2 places (from what I can tell without the 'help' of local medical de$titution$).....Pain has been my constant companion since, and apparently will-be for a good hunk of the future....
Impossible to lie down in ANY position to sleep or to discover a posture that will allow the simplest of tasks to be preformed without shooting-pain. My only solace being to accept and serve "God's Will" without regret or complaint.....Good practice and of extreme Spiritual profit.

Thankfully, the SH was made to 'take-it'....The next morning, after being amazed at how little 'meaningful' damage occurred, and after straightening out the mirrors and getting accustomed to the left hand brake being curled around my fingers now, I sallied forth to obtain a sling and some ice-packs and discovered that the riding posture upon the bike, is the only posture that I can take and be pain-free!!! Yippee!, if it were only not so painful to traverse the distance that lies between the bike and me.....

Seems, we shared each others Hopes and Joy and are now being 'tested' by how well we accept this small-price-to-be 'paid', in order that our good aspirations can manifest into Reality....We are fricking martyrs NADman!

Wishing you a swift recovery.
Your Brother-in-constant-PAIN for the foreseeable Future........Thomas