Las Vegas Shooting

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Las Vegas Shooting

Post by SH125Paul » Mon Oct 02, 2017 10:52 am

Lots of US owners on this most excelent site
Thoughts are with anyone who have friends, loved ones involved...
Gun law is a strange thing to most this side of the pond... But all that can wait. Shocking news...
I am sure there is loads more happening in the world that we never get to hear about...
Hug those that matter to you...
You never know whats around the corner...

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Re: Las Vegas Shooting

Post by NADman » Mon Oct 02, 2017 2:01 pm

Hug those that matter to you...
You never know whats around the corner...

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Re: Las Vegas Shooting

Post by TommyXP » Tue Oct 03, 2017 7:13 am

This the first of my hearing of 'this', since I've been abstaining from all Z-media in solitude, and peaking at this most recent incarnation of Evil; it has all the hallmarks of 'their' continuing efforts to constantly instill new levels of FEAR within the world populace so as to proffer 'remedies' that just so happen to accord to 'their' Aeons long agenda; which the ignorant will never understand but continually suffer.

With the majority now 'connected' to the same though multiple 'appearing' Source, they will believe what they are told and will be whip-sawed through the gamut of human emotion whilst reason and intellect take a back seat.
People STILL believe that Oswald killed Kennedy and the whole WTC fairy-tale. And even when 'they' screw up and show-their-hand by the preposterous nature of the Sandy Hook false drama or the Boston Bombing; people continue to believe what they are told and its in all the 'history' books that are being pounded into the heads of their innocent children (which 'they' care more about).

Its not that I don't have empathy for the multitudes caught in the path of this present day Juggernaut led by the Prince of Darkness both here and abroad, and not concerning myself with this matter other than the 'peek' I took: Am I the only one astounded by how 'they' practically immediately had it all figured out and had a dead lackey to pin it on? Just the logistics of his supposed arsenal within this all ready heightened State of Security are too much to swallow without his having had much 'inside' help and already some good hearted people in Europe are questioning the Wisdom of one being able to defend his personal self and family (which they lost) against the Abomination of Desolation that not only manifests itself on the world stage but within those around us who have been made blind by their complete immersion and daily focus on their totally infiltrated gadgets.....

May God help us all; and He will, but to humble oneself and ask.
Freedom is not something you are given. Its something you take.

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